Buy and download research articles about surnames, places, etc. by Lynn Serafinn, genealogist at Trentino Genealogy. You can use the search field to search by surname, place, topic or title. PayPal accepts both credit cards and debit cards.
FREE PDF: Top 7 Frequently Asked Questions about Trentino Genealogy. Quick guide for beginners through intermediates, who are researching their Trentino ancestors. AUTHOR: Lynn Serafinn. FREE PDF 10-page downloadable, printable PDF, with clickable table of contents, and lots of links. PRICE: FREE Choose preferred paper size LETTER SIZE, 8.5 X 11 inches A4 SIZE, 21 cm X 29.7 cm |
EBOOK: The Many ALBERTINI Families of Trentino. AUTHOR: Lynn Serafinn. 24-page downloadable, printable PDF, with clickable table of contents, colour images, appendices, maps, end notes, resource list. PRICE: $2.75 USD Choose preferred paper size LETTER SIZE, 8.5 X 11 inches A4 SIZE, 21 cm X 29.7 cm |
EBOOK: The BENASSUTI of Trentino: Medieval Origins, Nobility, and a Dynasty of Notaries AUTHOR: Lynn Serafinn. 79-page in Letter size (74-page in A4 size) downloadable, printable PDF, clickable table of contents, colour images, genealogy charts, footnotes, extensive appendix of pergamene (legal parchments), and resource list. PRICE: $7.95 USD Choose preferred paper size LETTER SIZE, 8.5 X 11 inches A4 SIZE, 21 cm X 29.7 cm |
EBOOK: The BONENTI of Bondo in Val Giudicarie: A Brief Historical Overview AUTHOR: Lynn Serafinn. 5-page downloadable, printable PDF, colour images, footnotes, resource list. PRICE: $0.99 USD Choose preferred paper size LETTER SIZE, 8.5 X 11 inches A4 SIZE, 21 cm X 29.7 cm |
EBOOK: The BORZAGA of Cavareno. Origins, Genealogy, Famous People. AUTHOR: Lynn Serafinn. 37-page downloadable, printable PDF, with clickable table of contents, colour images, charts, maps, end notes, resource list. PRICE: $3.75 USD Choose preferred paper size LETTER SIZE, 8.5 X 11 inches A4 SIZE, 21 cm X 29.7 cm |
EBOOK: The CORRADI of Val Giudicarie. From Folkloric Heroes of Daone to Medieval Lords of Stenico. AUTHOR: Lynn Serafinn. 18-page, downloadable, printable PDF, with clickable table of contents, colour images, charts, footnotes, resource list. PRICE: $1.99 USD Choose preferred paper size LETTER SIZE, 8.5 X 11 inches A4 SIZE, 21 cm X 29.7 cm |
EBOOK: The DALFIOR and TROGGIO of Bleggio: Two Surnames, One Origin. AUTHOR: Lynn Serafinn. A 14-page downloadable, printable PDF, table of contents, maps, colour images, parish records, footnotes, resource list. PRICE: $2.50 USD Choose preferred paper size LETTER SIZE, 8.5 X 11 inches A4 SIZE, 21 cm X 29.7 cm |
EBOOK: The FLORETTA and FIORETTA of Val di Non: Origins and Expansion in Trentino AUTHOR: Lynn Serafinn. A 9-page downloadable, printable PDF, table of contents, colour images, footnotes, resource list. PRICE: $1.50 USD Choose preferred paper size LETTER SIZE, 8.5 X 11 inches A4 SIZE, 21 cm X 29.7 cm |
EBOOK: The GHIRARDINI of Samoclevo: A Brief Historical Overview AUTHOR: Lynn Serafinn. A 7-page downloadable, printable PDF, table of contents, colour maps, footnotes, resource list. PRICE: $1.50 USD Choose preferred paper size LETTER SIZE, 8.5 X 11 inches A4 SIZE, 21 cm X 29.7 cm |
EBOOK: The GIRONIMI of Revo': A Theory of Origins, and a Brief Historical Overview AUTHOR: Lynn Serafinn. A 10-page downloadable, printable PDF, table of contents, colour images, parish records, footnotes, resource list. PRICE: $1.75 USD Choose preferred paper size LETTER SIZE, 8.5 X 11 inches A4 SIZE, 21 cm X 29.7 cm |
EBOOK: The LORENGO of Trentino: Origins, Nobility, Evolution. AUTHOR: Lynn Serafinn. 10-page, downloadable, printable PDF, with clickable table of contents, colour images, footnotes, resource list. PRICE: $0.99 USD Choose preferred paper size LETTER SIZE, 8.5 X 11 inches A4 SIZE, 21 cm X 29.7 cm |
EBOOK: The MAGAGNA of Trentino: Revo', Brez, Fondo, and beyond. AUTHOR: Lynn Serafinn. 27-page, downloadable, printable PDF, with clickable table of contents, colour images, footnotes, resource list. PRICE: $3.00 USD Choose preferred paper size LETTER SIZE, 8.5 X 11 inches A4 SIZE, 21 cm X 29.7 cm |
EBOOK: The MARTINI of Trentino. Origins, Connections, Nobility, Challenges of Research. AUTHOR: Lynn Serafinn. 14-page, downloadable, printable PDF, with clickable table of contents, colour images, footnotes, resource list. PRICE: $1.50 USD Choose preferred paper size LETTER SIZE, 8.5 X 11 inches A4 SIZE, 21 cm X 29.7 cm |
EBOOK: The MATURI of Pinzolo, Mezzana, Cavizzana and Caldes. AUTHOR: Lynn Serafinn. 25-page (in letter size), downloadable, printable PDF, with clickable table of contents, colour images, charts, footnotes, resource list. PRICE: $3.00 USD Choose preferred paper size LETTER SIZE, 8.5 X 11 inches A4 SIZE, 21 cm X 29.7 cm |
EBOOK: The PASSAMANI of Tenna: A Brief Historical Overview. AUTHOR: Lynn Serafinn 8-page downloadable, printable PDF, with clickable table of contents, colour maps, footnotes, resource list. PRICE: $1.50 USD Choose preferred paper size LETTER SIZE, 8.5 X 11 inches PURCHASE LINK: A4 SIZE, 21 cm X 29.7 cm PURCHASE LINK: |
EBOOK: The PATERNOSTER of Valli di Non e Sole. AUTHOR: Lynn Serafinn 14-page downloadable, printable PDF, with clickable table of contents, colour images, parish records, footnotes, resource list. PRICE: $2.50 USD Choose preferred paper size LETTER SIZE, 8.5 X 11 inches PURCHASE LINK: A4 SIZE, 21 cm X 29.7 cm PURCHASE LINK: |
EBOOK: The PUGNETTI of Rendena and Bleggio: A Brief Historical Overview. AUTHOR: Lynn Serafinn 7-page downloadable, printable PDF, with clickable table of contents, colour maps, footnotes, resource list. PRICE: $1.50 USD Choose preferred paper size LETTER SIZE, 8.5 X 11 inches PURCHASE LINK: A4 SIZE, 21 cm X 29.7 cm PURCHASE LINK: |
EBOOK: The RAMPONI of Val di Sole. Dimaro, Carciato, Magras. AUTHOR: Lynn Serafinn 8-page downloadable, printable PDF, with clickable table of contents, colour images, charts, footnotes, resource list. PRICE: $0.99 (99 cents) USD Choose preferred paper size LETTER SIZE, 8.5 X 11 inches A4 SIZE, 21 cm X 29.7 cm |
EBOOK: The RIGOS of Malosco. Origins, Evolution, Nobility. AUTHOR: Lynn Serafinn. 16-page, downloadable, printable PDF, with clickable table of contents, colour images, charts, footnotes, resource list. PRICE: $1.50 USD Choose preferred paper size LETTER SIZE, 8.5 X 11 inches A4 SIZE, 21 cm X 29.7 cm |
EBOOK: The SERAFINI of Trentino. Preore, Ragoli, Bleggio, Faver, and more. AUTHOR: Lynn Serafinn 10-page downloadable, printable PDF, with clickable table of contents, colour images, charts, footnotes, resource list. PRICE: $0.99 (99 cents) USD Choose preferred paper size LETTER SIZE, 8.5 X 11 inches A4 SIZE, 21 cm X 29.7 cm |
EBOOK: The SILVESTRI Families of Trentino: A Brief Historical Overview. AUTHOR: Lynn Serafinn 9-page downloadable, printable PDF, with clickable table of contents, colour images, parish records, footnotes, resource list. PRICE: $1.50 USD Choose preferred paper size LETTER SIZE, 8.5 X 11 inches A4 SIZE, 21 cm X 29.7 cm |
EBOOK: The STANCHINA of Trentino. Origins, Nobility, Genealogy. AUTHOR: Lynn Serafinn. 31-page downloadable, printable PDF, with clickable table of contents, colour images, charts, maps, end notes, resource list. PRICE: $3.25 USD Choose preferred paper size LETTER SIZE, 8.5 X 11 inches A4 SIZE, 21 cm X 29.7 cm |
EBOOK: The TRENTINI Families of Trentino: Origins, Nobility, and Controversy. AUTHOR: Lynn Serafinn. 17-page (16 in A4 size) downloadable, printable PDF, with clickable table of contents, colour images, charts, parish records, footnotes, resource list. PRICE: $2.50 USD Choose preferred paper size LETTER SIZE, 8.5 X 11 inches A4 SIZE, 21 cm X 29.7 cm |
EBOOK: Origins and Evolution of the ZILLER Families of Trentino. AUTHOR: Lynn Serafinn. 27-page downloadable, printable PDF, with clickable table of contents, colour images, charts, maps, end notes, resource list. PRICE: $3.25 USD Choose preferred paper size LETTER SIZE, 8.5 X 11 inches A4 SIZE, 21 cm X 29.7 cm |