Latest article:
Resources, Tips and Best Practice (general)
- Top 7 Frequently Asked Questions about Trentino Genealogy – (includes FREE, downloadable 10-page Genealogy Guide)
- VIDEO TUTORIALS: Including how to use the Nati in Trentino Website.
- Trentino Family History LINKS. (substantial list of many free online resources for research)
- How the WRONG Information Ends Up in Your Family Tree.
- Genealogical Breadcrumbs: Notes, SOURCES & Reviewing Research (how and why to cite your sources)
- Lockdown Genealogy. Making Your Family Tree Better When Everything Is Closed (note: although we are no longer in lockdown, this is an article about checking your tree and fixing errors when you do not have access to research materials; thus it could still be useful).
Trentino Genealogy – History, Culture and Research Essentials
- VIDEO PODCASTS: Large selection of video podcasts by Lynn Serafinn on a wide variety of Trentino history, culture, parishes, surnames, castles, witch trials, plagues, Council of Trento, immigration, local government, ‘miracles’, legends, etc.
- Ethnicity Vs. Cultural Identity. Trentino, Tyrolean, Italian?
- SURNAME DATABASE: Searchable database of several hundred Trentino surnames with short historical information (this is an ongoing project, so not all surnames are in there)
- What’s in a Name? A Short Tutorial on Trentini SURNAMES
- Not Just a Nickname: Understanding Your Family SOPRANNOME
- How Much Do You REALLY Know About Your Ancestors’ PERSONAL NAMES?
- Kissing Cousins: Marital DISPENSATIONS, Consanguinity, Affinity
- How to Use ANAGRAPHS for Genealogy Research in Trentino
- How and Why to Record GODPARENTS in Your Family Tree
- Was One of Your Trentino Ancestors a NOTARY?
- The Science of Finding Your FEMALE Ancestors from Trentino
- What Our Ancestors’ DEATHS Can Teach Us About Their Lives
- How CEMETERIES Can Help Grow Your Family Tree
Surname Studies / Histories (in alphabetical order)
NOTE: many of these studies have downloadable eBooks available for purchase in the DIGITAL SHOP.
- The Many ALBERTINI Families of Trentino.
- The BENASSUTI of Trentino: Medieval Origins, Nobility, and a Dynasty of Notaries.
- Surname Spotlight: BETTA. Ancient Nobles of the Roman Empire?
- The BONENTI of Bondo in Val Giudicarie: A Brief Historical Overview
- The BORZAGA of Cavareno. Origins, Genealogy, Famous People
- The COMINI of Val di Sole – Ancestry, Nobility, and Challenges of Research
- The CORRADI of Val Giudicarie. From Folkloric Heroes to Medieval Lords
- The DALFIOR and TROGGIO of Bleggio: Two Surnames, One Origin
- The FLORETTA and FIORETTA of Val di Non: Origins and Expansion in Trentino
- The GHIRARDINI of Samoclevo: A Brief Historical Overview
- The LORENGO of Trentino: Origins, Nobility, Evolution
- Origins of the Many MAFFEI Families of Trentino – Theories and Evidence
- The MAGAGNA of Trentino: Revò, Brez, Fondo, and beyond
- The MARTINI Families of Trentino – Origins, Connections, Nobility, and Challenges of Research
- The MATURI of Pinzolo, Mezzana, Cavizzana and Caldes
- The PASSAMANI of Tenna: A Brief Historical Overview
- The PATERNOSTER of Valli di Non e Sole
- The PUGNETTI of Rendena and Bleggio: A Brief Historical Overview
- The RAMPONI of Val di Sole. Dimaro, Carciato, Magras
- The RIGOS Family of Malosco. Origins, Evolution, Nobility.
- The SERAFINI of Trentino. Preore, Ragoli, Bleggio, Faver, and more
- The SILVESTRI Families of Trentino: A Brief Historical Overview
- The STANCHINA of Trentino. Origins, Nobility, Genealogy.
- The TRENTINI Families of Trentino: Origins, Nobility, and Controversy
- For ‘TROGGIO’ see ‘Dalfior above.
- ZAMBIASI of Val di Non. Origins, Nobility, Theatre, Science
- Origins and Evolution of the ZILLER Families of Trentino
Parishes and Places in Trentino
- Trentino VALLEYS, PARISHES and PEOPLE. A Guide for Genealogists.
- Decanato of TRENTO: Parishes, Curates and Parish Registers
- TRENTO – The City and Surnames Before the Year 1600
- TRENTO in the 1800s. Frazioni, Occupations, Surnames
- TRENTO in the 1800s. Frazioni, Occupations, Surnames
- CALDES in Val di Sole. Family Trees, History of Ancient Surnames
- CLOZ in Val di Non: History, Parish Records, Local Surnames
- VIDEO PODCASTS: Several of the video podcasts focus on specific places including Cloz, Caldes, Revò, Romallo, Cagnò, Tregiovo, Rumo, Santa Croce del Bleggio, Fiave’, (I have delivered several podcasts on Val di Fiemme, Terzolas, and other places, which I am still in the process of editing for the website, so please check back regularly to see what’s new, or subscribe to the blog to be informed of new material.
DNA Tests
- DNA Tests, Genealogy, Ethnicity and Cultural Identity
- Why DNA Tests Are NO Substitute for Genealogical Research
- DNA Ethnicity Reports. Who You Are Vs. What They SAY You Are
Miscellaneous Topics
- TRAVEL VIDEOS: A small selection of videos I made during my travels in Trentino, including a tour of the Church of Santa Croce del Bleggio (including the 1,000-year-old crypt).
- Without Prejudice. Honouring All the Heroes in Our Families
- Keeping Our Ancestors Alive: Reflections on the Day of the Dead
Older Articles
All of these are older articles that contain some out-of-date information (mainly about availability of resources), but may still be of use in terms of research strategies. I recommend downloading the 10-page FAQ Guide for more accurate info on resource availability.
- Preparing for Research: Using Microfilms for Family History information.
- Searching Online for 19th & 20th Century Trentini Ancestors
- Guide to Genealogical Research at the ARCHDIOCESE of TRENTO