NEW VIDEO PODCAST (watch below): How to Use Anagraphs for Genealogy Research in Trentino. By genealogist Lynn Serafinn.
YES, I KNOW it says ‘Tuesday’ 22 May,
and the 22nd was actually WEDNESDAY! Oops!
Anagraphs, also called ‘Stati delle Anime’, are interesting and useful tools for Genealogy Research in Trentino.
- But WHERE do you find them?
- And how do you MAKE SENSE of them?
- What INFORMATION do they contain?
- What are their LIMITATIONS?
In this 39-minute ‘How to’ video podcast, I guide you through all these details, showing you several examples of anagraphs from different parts of Trentino, as well as one example from the province of Brescia.
I hope you find this video informative, and that it will help you in your research. I welcome your comments and questions below (or on YouTube). Alternately, feel free to send me an email via the contact form on this website.
Don’t forget to pick up your FREE 10-page FAQ Genealogy Guide.
A4 SIZE, 21 cm X 29.7 cm
Click HERE to browse for more eBooks in my digital shop.
Until next time!

Warm wishes,
Lynn Serafinn
Genealogist at
23 May 2024
P.S. Due to ongoing health issues, I am unable to travel to Trento (or anywhere else) for the indefinite future.
However, I have MANY research resources here in my home library, which means I can do research for many clients without having to travel. I am now taking bookings for JULY-AUGUST 2024.
If you would like to book a time to discuss having me do research for you, I invite you to read my ‘Genealogy Services’ page, and then drop me a line using the Contact form on this site. Then, we can set up a free 30-minute chat to discuss your project.
Join our Trentino Genealogy Group on Facebook:
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View my Santa Croce del Bleggio Family Tree on Ancestry:
CAVEAT: Please note that the online version is many years out of date, as I have been working on it offline, and have added many thousands of new people and fixed many errors.